Friday, April 13, 2012

The Lesser Known chronicles: Observing Holy Week

This observance happened last year as I was so determined to experience and see the reenactment of Christ's crucifixion in Cutud Pampanga. I was hoping to do this again this year but was unfortunate because I have a 5-day vacation with the whole family in Baguio for the Lenten days. 

Memoirs on Good Friday of 2011..
I had nothing to do on that Good Friday of 2011 so I decided to escape home and do it. Just 3 hours after I arrived home from Visita Iglesia on Holy Thursday of 2011, I woke up at 4 am to embark on a holy experience. Arrived at 6:45 am in San Fernando and met with a group of penitents. I saw how they prepared themselves for their so called "panata" or penance. It was not for the weak stomach because you get to see one person wound the back of some flagellants and blood rushed down.

Penitents whip their backs before they are wounded.

And then will be filled with blood all over their back.

From Barangay San Jose in San Fernando to the city cathedral, I joined the group and walked with them as we passed by some group of penitents. So numerous that it caused traffic. I was in charge with holding the wooden cross of a friend who is also doing his penance every year as he made his stop at every church and prayed.

If I could still remember, there were 7 penitents who carried
a cross and 8 flagellants in the group.

In this photo, I had to walk with my friend to hold his cross
every time he stopped at a church and prayed.

This is our final stop at the cathedral

A group of bloody flagellants

Then came the highlight of this Holy Week observance, I made my way together with Potch and Jay to San Pedro Cutud -- the sight of the infamous crucifixion. We were lucky that Bern was a local resident of Cutud and we had a place to eat and be refreshed. Thousands of tourists, locals and foreigners alike flocked to a small hill to witness 16 penitents get crucified. Amidst the very hot climate and the scorching sun, we made our way towards the front area to have a nicer view. And it's such a heart wrenching scene to see how the males (dressed like Roman centurions) hit that mallet against the nail and how the penitents reacted with such pain as the crucifixion took place. 

Sixteen people got crucified on that day.

The site of crucifixion

It was a brave act on my part, remembering that I was once very afraid of those people doing flagellation. Despite the crowd, exhaustion and extreme heat, the experience was so worthwhile and gratifying. It made me realize what a great sacrifice Jesus Christ did for mankind to redeem us all. I started reflecting as I sit inside the bus on my way back home. I thought of doing this again next year -- as spectator again or maybe one of the penitents, but that's an understatement for now.


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